
"John, I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on today's session.  It was a heart-warming experience and I am glad that I was able to attend.  You are incredible and I can truly understand after meeting you today why you do this so well."

- Pat


"Thanks for your time.  I also wanted to thank you on behalf of my family for what you have done for us at this time of need.  Words just simply can not express the gratitude we feel towards you and everything you have done. You are a great inspiration for myself to one day help people the way you help others."

- Peter


"I Passed my test  :-)   Thank you for your help."

- Lisa                                                         

"I've been meaning to contact you regarding our Reiki session.  I've done lots of thinking about my life since that day, and would like to thank you for helping me see some things differently.  My eyes are open to many new things these days, but I'm still a work in progress...You truly have a gift, and I am greatful for such an enlightening session."

- Carol


"Great stuff! I've taken many classes with you and they keep getting better! You are truly amazing!"

- Gary



Taking a Tai Chi class brought me to John Mecurio. I am thankful for the day I signed up for that class. John is now the massage therapist for my family. Next to God he is our miracle worker. Thanks John!

- Mary